Harrison's Power Treats 1lb
Product Description

POWER TREATS with Organic Palm Fruit Oil.
Can make up to 30% of certain bird's total daily diet. Recommended use: A tasty, toasted, healthy treat for companion birds. Can be used to aid in weaning, changing a bird's diet from seed to Harrison's Bird Foods or for birds that need extra fat and sugar following an illness.
Suggested daily POWER TREAT with ORGANIC PALM FRUIT OIL amounts: One piece of Power Treat per three pieces of course ground food. Small birds ½ piece per day. Medium 3 pieces per day; Large 9 pieces per day. May make up to to 30% of diet.
Suggested daily POWER TREAT amounts:
Small birds.... ¼ tsp
Medium birds... 1 tsp
Large birds.... 2 Tbs